Fighting Back Christmas Weight Gain
Released on = January 3, 2007, 11:55 am
Press Release Author = Dr Luke Michael Howard
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Tips for getting rid of the fat gained over Christmas and the new year.
Christmas weight gain can be lost with a few easy steps.
London, 01/05/07 - Along with the tasty treats the Christmas season brings, also comes the battle of the bulge. According to health & fitness expert Dr. Luke Michael Howard, \"On Average, Americans will put on 8 pounds over this Christmas season.\"
The weight gain is due to families spending more time inside, the consumption of more sugary treats, and Christmas and new year leftovers.
This then is associated with many negative effects, including less energy and increased health problems.
Dr. Luke Michael Howard recommends 5 tips to get back in shape after Christmas and the new year, while still enjoying the food.
1. Enjoy family walks around the block. Too often families get stuck around the Television, while waiting for the food. Before or after dinner take a walk with the family to get fresh air and exercise.
2. Have healthy vegetable or fruit trays to go along with sweets or chips, while you\'re waiting for meals. By having a variety food, then you\'re more likely to mix your snacks with healthy alternatives.
3. Limit alcohol consumption. Most people think little of it, but alcohol drinks add huge amounts of calories to diets without easily noticing it.
4. Drink more water. Plentiful amounts of water boost metabolism and help people bodies running at 100%.
5. Eat big meals earlier in the day. By eating later in the day, then your body can more effectively burn calories.
Dr. Luke Michael Howard is an expert in nutrition and publishes his results in a free monthly electronic newsletter entitled, \"Healthy Horizons Fitness Newsletter.\" It\'s published at
Arrange an interview with Dr. Luke Michael Howard for more insights into this topic. Direct line: (If calling from outside UK) 011- 44-7967-687398 (If calling from the UK) 07967-687398
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Contact Details = Dr Luke Michael Howard Email: (If calling from outside UK) 011- 44-7967-687398 (If calling from the UK) 07967-687398 114 D Tollington Park, London N4 3RB
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